- Pre-designed Gardens
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- Butterfly Gardens
Butterfly Gardens
For well drained soils in full sun: *planting layout included
32 Plants (covers approximately 36 sqft) Deep Plugs: $89.00 Order Below (Butterfly Gardens)
3 Wild Bergomot 1 Heartleaf Alexander 4 Early Blue Violet
3 Canada Milkvetch 1 Pearly Everlasting 7 Sheep Fescue
5 Dwarf Milkweed 1 Smooth Aster 3 Little Bluestem
4 Low Goldenrod
64 Plants (covers approximately 72 sqft) Deep plugs: $169.00 Order Below (Butterfly Gardens)
The plants are the same as the 32 kit above but plant counts are doubled
96 Plants (covers approximately 96 sqft) Deep plugs: $239.00 Order Below (Butterfly Gardens)
The plants are the same as the 32 kit above but plant counts are tripled
32 Plants (covers approximately 36 sqft) Deep Plugs: $89.00 Order Below (Butterfly Gardens)
3 Wild Bergomot 1 Heartleaf Alexander 4 Early Blue Violet
3 Canada Milkvetch 1 Pearly Everlasting 7 Sheep Fescue
5 Dwarf Milkweed 1 Smooth Aster 3 Little Bluestem
4 Low Goldenrod
64 Plants (covers approximately 72 sqft) Deep plugs: $169.00 Order Below (Butterfly Gardens)
The plants are the same as the 32 kit above but plant counts are doubled
96 Plants (covers approximately 96 sqft) Deep plugs: $239.00 Order Below (Butterfly Gardens)
The plants are the same as the 32 kit above but plant counts are tripled
Butterfly Gardens

Butterfly Gardens 32 Plants

Butterfly Gardens 64 Plants

Butterfly Gardens 96 Plants